oincidence or fate? Basel is once again making history with the printing of the new translation of Vesalius' classic masterpiece the Fabrica in its 'home town' 500 years later!
Reinhardt Druck AG
Basel, Switzerland, the "birthplace" of Vesalius' Fabrica, is also the city where the New Fabrica is being published. In a fascinating twist of fate, Karger has teamed up with its long-time partner, Reinhardt Druck (Reinhardt Printers) to print the new translation of De humani corporis fabrica. Reinhardt is located in Basel, like both the printer whom Vesalius carefully chose for his first Fabrica edition in 1543 and like Karger, publisher of the New Fabrica in 2013. By coincidence, Reinhardt's location for approximately 200 years in Basel's Missionstrasse is merely minutes away from where Vesalius collaborated with his Basel printer, Johannes Oporinus.
To find out more about the Fabrica's printing history and why Vesalius chose Basel, click here.
About Reinhardt: Reinhardt Druck AG is the graphic production company that is part of the Reinhardt Media Group. The company boasts a staff of over 50 employees. The company's products include printed materials such as books, brochures, flyers and various other types of office material. Their customers, who come mainly from the region and comprise local businesses from the areas of publishing, art, culture, industry and sport, appreciate and value the quality, reliability and engagement that they know they will receive from the house of Reinhardt. In 2010, a total of over six million Swiss Francs was invested in acquiring the latest technology: offset machines, digital printing presses and new production technologies. These investments have enabled more flexibility and faster production times.
Reinhardt also emphasizes sustainability: Reinhardt has been a valued training company for the graphic industry for decades. Reinhardt Druck is a partner of myclimate (a program for climate-neutral printing materials) and a certified FSC partner.
Visit Reinhardt on the Internet at www.reinhardt.ch.