he Fabric of the Human Body has been published. News regarding the Fabrica can be found here.
Bildergalerie: Neues altes Werk
Die Neuedition von Vesalius' Anatomieatlas
Börsenblatt, 24. Februar 2016
The father of modern anatomy
The Basel Journal, Shirley L. Kearney
Andreas Vesalius Der Reformer im Anatomiesaal
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Wissenschaft 31. Dezember 2013
Die «New Fabric» – nicht nur inhaltlich, auch gestalterisch in neuer Sprache
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Wissenschaft 31. Dezember 2013
16th Century Work Brought to Life for 21st Century Readers
Northwestern University, November 4, 2013, by Wendy Leopold
Translating an Ancient Medical Text into English
Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Sarah Plumridge
The Fabric of the Human Body: Spectacular edition of foundational 16th C anatomy text, 20 years in the making, boing boing, Cory Doctorow