he Fabric of the Human Body offers a comprehensive Table of Contents including thumbnails of all illustrations listed for each chapter so that the reader has an im-
mediate overview of the topics raised by Vesalius. This tripartite Table of Contents features the paginations of the 1543 and 1555 editions as well as that of the New Fabrica. It has never been so easy to find your way in the Fabrica as with this Table of Contents freely provided by Karger Publishers to download and print.
If you quote the Table of Contents, please use the following citation:
Vesalius, A.: The Fabric of the Human Body: An Annotated Translation of the 1543 and 1555 Editions of De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem by D.H. Garrison and M.H. Hast. Basel, Karger, 2014.